OMG News; #SCIENCE Eat MORE Chocolate! Eat All the Chocolate 4 Weight loss! EAT CHOCOLATE DAILY!

(PICTURED: Guy is geteting SLIM look at his beauty face !!!!!!!! )

OMG News giving you Latest News suggesting suggest that , OMG, all the CHOCOLATE is to eat for you! Eat a pound of chocolate, eat all the chocolate, because there are no negative impacts! YOU can eat chocolate alone forever and never ever drink the water and you WILL be save and audio becaus YOU are CHOCOLATE MAN!

Chocolate , accords to professoinal and accuracy resources sources are saying that “chocoakte are good for you lots for good for you” and you are there are it is its right !

Germans science man says “[WE tested the thing. We fed people 2000% percent chocolate vs. 9999999999999999% percent choco and 999 percent did best and slimm them down to good size.]” eat chocolate daily now !

You must eat 80,000,000 pounds of choco per day 4 life to become slim. If u r fat, then u must slim by eating more choco ! WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW! This is #amazing

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source: accurate sources

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