#OMG #MINION News: Minion Theme Park Coming IN UNiversal Studios #YAAAS

(We are starting new thing, called #Minion News Every Sunday , or rather , #Minion day amirit??!! gurl @!?)

Hey gurl, what in the wurld? Minoin theme parks? ! Wow, what a theme park wow what a minions. Minion theme parks, yes there are ! Girl ! Yas ! It will be call “MINION PARK” and it will be AMAZING Yas!!!

The press releasing calls it the “[The peoples] are jorneying through the minins in an all new minion theme park of the thing” Wow what a beautiful site, isn’ t it?

The minions will will take over the wurld, someday, LOL,

Okay readers, TTYL, OMG LOL XD! AFK !


source: ew.colm


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